Aquaponic Specialist

About Us

Meet Jamie and Brian, Founders and Owners

Residential and Commercial Aquaponic Specialist, and Regional Distributors of 3-Step Aquaponic Growing Kits

Brian Haentze and Jamie Romani are husband-and-wife partners at Evergreen Lane Farm, a 15 acre organic aquaponics farm in Harleysville, PA. We sell Aquaponic produce, which is grown in our 3000 square foot building, containing a processing room and store. In addition, we sell Aquaponic growing kits for home owners and small commercial growers.

We are a multi-generational family farm, one of only a handful in Montgomery County, PA. Since becoming the third USDA certified organic commercial Aquaponic farm in the US, we officially began selling our Aquaponic kits in June, 2014. Currently we are converting into a greenhouse a building once used to raise chickens. The expected completion date of this project is late Spring 2015.

As full-time practitioners of alternative farming, Brian and Jamie are committed to improving the future of Organic Aquaponic Farming for the homeowners and the community. Like Jamie, many people require a non-processed organic-only diet due to health issues, this business will help with those in need.

Prior to founding Evergreen Lane Farm, Brian owned his own landscaping business and has experience running a land-based operation. He is now the Production/ Technical Manager fielding all growing issues on our farm and providing support to home growers. Jamie, who previously had careers as a chef and a procurement specialist, is the Business Manager making sure that all of the orders are processed, and are fulfilled as requested.

Evergreen Lane Farm is excited to be one of the very few USDA Organically Certified Aquaponic sustainable farms in the country. Our food-safe organic growing kits are available for sale on this web site, at various farm and home shows, farm tours, and school field trips. We look forward to offering Aquaponic growing courses that will be introduced in early Summer 2015. For information about these and other programs please check out our web site under “news”.

If you can find time to visit Evergreen Lane Farm, you will experience first-hand the growing process of Aquaponics and see everything you can grow. To learn more about produce at Evergreen Lane Farm and learn about our Aquaponics kits, we invite you to schedule a visit to our farm in Harleysville, PA. Also, please check out the information available on evergreenlanefarm.net.

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